Trump Encourages Christians to Vote, Promises They Won’t Need to Again if He Wins in 2024

Trump Encourages Christians to Vote, Promises They Won't Need to Again if He Wins in 2024

At a summit hosted by the conservative group Turning Point Action, former President Donald Trump urged Christians to vote in November. He assured them that if he wins the presidency, they wouldn’t need to vote again because “it’ll be fixed. You need to get out and vote, no matter what,” Trump urged the audience at … Read more

Democrats Confident in America’s Readiness to Elect a Black Woman President

Victim of 2008 Attack by Undocumented Immigrant Criticizes Harris

Donnie Boston, an Individual of color from Milwaukee, shares her interests about whether America is genuinely prepared to choose a president who seems to be her. As she upholds VP Kamala Harris, the reasonable Vote based candidate, she feels a natural fervor like what she encountered when Barack Obama previously declared his official mission in … Read more

U.S. Economy Surges with Robust 2.8% Growth in Second Quarter

U.S. Economy Surges with Robust 2.8% Growth in Second Quarter

Source In the second quarter, the U.S. economy saw an uptick as consumer spending rose, businesses ramped up investments in equipment and inventories, and inflation eased. The Commerce Department reported on Thursday that the gross domestic product (GDP) of the U.S., which measures the value of all goods and services produced and adjusts for inflation … Read more